Hypothesis test about fine amount

Anova between fine amount and different boros

From data exploration, we have notice that the violation code varies among boroughs as well as the fine amount. We see from the table that the mean of fine amount in Queen is different from the Manhattan by 10$, and thus, we propose hypothesis that there’s at least 1 pairs of boroughs’ fine amount is different from others.

Fine Amount in borough
borough mean standard_error
Bronx 75.8 35.3
Brooklyn 70.5 33.2
Manhattan 82.0 34.3
Queens 66.2 33.7
Staten Island 77.8 31.2

To do that, we perform ANOVA test for multiple groups comparison. With:

\(H_0\) : there’s no difference of fine amount means between boroughs

\(H_1\) : at least two fine amount means of boroughs are not equal

##                      Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)    
## factor(borough)       4 9.24e+07 23099132   19954 <2e-16 ***
## Residuals       2235719 2.59e+09     1158                   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Turkey Test at 99% confidence Level
diff lwr upr p adj
Brooklyn-Bronx -5.24 -5.50 -4.99 0
Manhattan-Bronx 6.18 5.95 6.42 0
Queens-Bronx -9.61 -9.87 -9.36 0
Staten Island-Bronx 2.05 1.36 2.75 0
Manhattan-Brooklyn 11.43 11.23 11.62 0
Queens-Brooklyn -4.37 -4.59 -4.15 0
Staten Island-Brooklyn 7.29 6.61 7.97 0
Queens-Manhattan -15.80 -16.00 -15.60 0
Staten Island-Manhattan -4.13 -4.81 -3.46 0
Staten Island-Queens 11.67 10.98 12.35 0

As the ANOVA test result from above, we reject the Null at 99% confidence level and conclude that there’s at least one borough’s mean of fine amount is different from others.

To further investigate the difference between boroughs, we perform Tukey test for pairwise comparison. Notice that all paris are different from each other in the setting of our data. Given the large amount of data, according to the law of large number, the estimate of mean fine amount close to the true mean of the fine amount in different borough. Under this setting, we have 99% confidence that Manhattan have different mean of fine amount than other borough. So if you unfortunately get a RISKY coffee, it is much burning than in other boroughs.

Hypothesis test about violation counts

Chi-Squared test between violation counts generated in each weekdays and different boroughs

From data exploration, we have noticed that the violation counts proportions in different weekdays among each boroughs are different.Thus, we assume there is no homogeneity in tickets counts proportions in each weekdays among boroughs.

To verify that, we performed Chi-squared test for multiple groups comparison. With:

\(H_0\) : the tickets proportion in weekdays among boroughs are equal.

\(H_1\) : not all proportions are equal

Test Result
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Bronx 40042 48014 52401 63138 58693 26226 11314
Brooklyn 70543 89805 91964 113167 101244 38505 17231
Manhattan 129973 155645 164414 180871 163717 71638 32421
Queens 71468 81945 87930 97113 88915 46276 13338
Staten Island 4768 4940 5094 5568 5005 1920 597
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  chisq_boro_day
## X-squared = 4609, df = 24, p-value <2e-16

According to above chi-square test result and the x critical value ( = 36.415) We reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there’s at least one borough’s proportions of violation counts for week days is different from others at 0.05 significant level.

Chi-Squared test between violation counts generated in each hour and different boroughs:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Bronx 2480 2424 1658 1100 155 4091 21193 24695 42396 31769 25924 31483 31354 21105 17330 10662 9886 4356 1449 630 3697 4472 3256 2263
Brooklyn 5036 6226 4399 2635 2466 8856 13948 33412 59796 62194 37938 67174 56173 46268 35120 27595 17509 11708 6128 1276 4278 5318 4233 2773
Manhattan 1879 1753 1767 1088 318 2918 19570 67369 107663 97228 83393 81212 74025 124636 87194 53599 36714 32399 9463 1689 4145 3539 2697 2421
Queens 1588 2358 1932 1191 661 4464 21283 27877 62299 58735 41416 49727 41718 45968 42111 21688 26317 18371 5915 355 1830 3696 3436 2049
Staten Island 63 213 167 116 59 73 758 3531 3275 2802 2057 1373 497 2482 3125 2548 2025 1332 611 118 147 208 186 126
statistic p.value parameter method
110937 0 92 Pearson’s Chi-squared test

According to above chi-square test result and the x critical value ( = 115.39), We reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there’s at least one borough’s proportions of violation counts for 24 hours is different from others at 0.05 significant level.

Sine 526.14 million square feet of office space existed in Manhattan in 2020. Manhattan’s office space is located in 3,830 commercial buildings in the major markets of Midtown, Midtown South, Lower Manhattan and Uptown [Statistics]. At any given time most of this office space is rented. Manhattan becomes the well deserved business center in NYC. Due to the unequal active status of commerce among boroughs and expensive costs of keeping a car in NYC, the active area of life and work for people who own a car concentrates upon Manhattan. This is one of reasonable explanations of chi-square test result. But this situation might be changed since the commercial areas tend to extend to other boroughs. Some data in the report shows that the Bronx office market and the Staten Island office market have seen increased investor interest over the past 10 years [click here to get more detailed information].

Regression Exploration

The resulting data frame of boro_daytime_violation contains a single dataframe df with 2,231,935rows of data on 8 variables, the list below is our variables of interest:

  • violation_number. mean of violation
  • month. Issue month
  • workday_weekend. a factor variable: 1 represent workday(Monday to Friday), 0 represent weekend
  • hour. Time(hour) violation occurred.
  • daytime. a factor variable: 1 represent daytime(8am to 8pm), 0 represent night(8pm to 8am)
  • street_name. Street name of summons issued.
  • vehicle_color. Color of car written on summons.
  • borough. Borough of violation.

The data frame of boro_daytime_violationln contains an addtional variable:

  • ln_violation. logarithm transformation of mean of violation
boro_daytime_violation = 
  parking %>%  
    daytime = if_else(hour %in% 8:20,"1","0"),
    day_week = weekdays(issue_date),
    workday_weekend = if_else(day_week %in% c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday","Thursday", "Friday"),"1","0"),
    month = lubridate::month(issue_date),
    month = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(month),month)
  ) %>% 
  drop_na(vehicle_color, street_name) %>% 
  group_by(borough,month,workday_weekend,daytime) %>%
    violation_number = mean(n()),
    street_name = street_name,
    vehicle_color = vehicle_color,
    street_name = street_name,
    month = month,
    hour = hour

Box-Cox Transformation

fit1 = 
  lm(violation_number ~ borough + factor(workday_weekend) + factor(daytime) + month, data = boro_daytime_violation)

we use box-cox method to determine transformation of y. Since λ is close to 0, logarithm transformation should apply to violation counts.


boro_daytime_violationln = boro_daytime_violation %>%
  mutate(ln_violation = log(violation_number, base = exp(1)))
fit1 = 
  lm(ln_violation ~ borough + factor(workday_weekend) + factor(daytime) + month, data = boro_daytime_violationln)
fit1 %>% 
  broom::tidy() %>% 
    term = str_replace(term, "borough", "Borough: "),
    term = str_replace(term, "month", "Month: "),
    term = str_replace(term, "factor(workday_weekend)1", "workday "),
    term = str_replace(term, "factor(daytime)1", "daytime(8am to 8pm) ")
  ) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption = "Linar Regression Result")
Linar Regression Result
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -2.355 0.041 -57.02 0
Borough: Brooklyn 0.535 0.000 1367.79 0
Borough: Manhattan 1.080 0.000 2989.61 0
Borough: Queens 0.459 0.000 1158.42 0
Borough: Staten Island -2.381 0.001 -2204.74 0
factor(workday_weekend)1 1.987 0.000 5549.69 0
factor(daytime)1 1.681 0.000 5233.50 0
Month: 2 0.769 0.048 15.87 0
Month: 3 1.378 0.045 30.66 0
Month: 4 0.657 0.049 13.34 0
Month: 5 2.633 0.042 62.36 0
Month: 6 7.457 0.041 180.54 0
Month: 7 9.507 0.041 230.21 0
Month: 8 10.091 0.041 244.33 0
Month: 9 10.011 0.041 242.39 0
Month: 10 0.289 0.057 5.08 0
Month: 11 0.641 0.127 5.04 0

From above linear regression model, we could see that boroughs, month, workday/weekend, daytime/night are significant variables for violation counts prediction in comparison to the reference group.

\(~\) When Bronx works as reference, the p values for “Brooklyn”, “Manhattan”, “Queens” are far away smaller than 0.05. This means boroughs has significant effect on violation counts prediction. Staten Island has negative estimate and very small p value because its very small violation counts by comparing to other boroughs.


The NYC parking regulation:free parking on major Legal Holidays and Sundays:. This explain why p-value of workday is below 0.05 when weekend as reference. That means workday factor is significant. Comparing with weekend, there are more parking violation on workdays than weekend due to NYC free parking rules on Sunday.This result is corresponding with the Violation per Hour plot we made in data exploration


The p vale of daytime is less than 0.05. It makes sense, since people more likely to go out and parking on the street on daytime than night. And parking seems to become a routine issue for commuters.


The P value for each month is smaller than e^6. No matter which month to go out, there will be a significant risk of receiving a parking tickets. The police goes to work on the whole of the year. There might have another explanation for the significance of month. There might some months need to be pay more attention to. May, June, Junly and August are usually summer holiday for students all over the world. Due to that NYC is a tourist attraction, the number of tourists should be increased from May to August. Tourists who aren’t familiar with the NYC parking rules may easily receive parking tickets.

Model diagnosis

## Call:
## lm(formula = ln_violation ~ borough + factor(workday_weekend) + 
##     factor(daytime) + month, data = boro_daytime_violationln)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -2.725 -0.056  0.026  0.048  3.967 
## Coefficients:
##                           Estimate Std. Error  t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)              -2.354896   0.041300   -57.02  < 2e-16 ***
## boroughBrooklyn           0.534709   0.000391  1367.79  < 2e-16 ***
## boroughManhattan          1.080457   0.000361  2989.60  < 2e-16 ***
## boroughQueens             0.459405   0.000397  1158.42  < 2e-16 ***
## boroughStaten Island     -2.381006   0.001080 -2204.74  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(workday_weekend)1  1.987414   0.000358  5549.69  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(daytime)1          1.680710   0.000321  5233.50  < 2e-16 ***
## month2                    0.769229   0.048476    15.87  < 2e-16 ***
## month3                    1.378417   0.044952    30.66  < 2e-16 ***
## month4                    0.657425   0.049299    13.34  < 2e-16 ***
## month5                    2.632771   0.042217    62.36  < 2e-16 ***
## month6                    7.457171   0.041304   180.54  < 2e-16 ***
## month7                    9.507427   0.041299   230.21  < 2e-16 ***
## month8                   10.090537   0.041299   244.33  < 2e-16 ***
## month9                   10.010605   0.041299   242.39  < 2e-16 ***
## month10                   0.288700   0.056847     5.08  3.8e-07 ***
## month11                   0.641279   0.127291     5.04  4.7e-07 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.17 on 2231825 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.98,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.98 
## F-statistic: 6.72e+06 on 16 and 2231825 DF,  p-value: <2e-16
sample_fit1 = 
  boro_daytime_violationln %>% 
  sample_n(5e+3, replace = TRUE)

sample_lm = lm(ln_violation ~ borough + factor(workday_weekend) + factor(daytime) + month, sample_fit1)
par(mfrow = c(2,2))

We can see that the residual vs fitted is not equally distributed around 0 horizontal line. In fact, there’s a pattern in the residual, indicating that the model although have high goodness of fit, but violating normal assumption on the residual. As a matter of fact, our data follows poison distribution, and thus linear model wouldn’t be appropriated for our model. When we doing regression, linear model will not be consider.